Best Habits For Being A Happy Mom

What is it that makes happy moms so happy? Each day is filled with joy and discovery, especially when you are surrounded by a child growing up. This is an honor and you should take every moment as it comes. It is great for stress relief to spend time with your child and enjoy the little things in life. Your baby will grow with you.

If you feel overwhelmed by the role of motherhood, it is important to accept each day and take it as it comes. You will learn to be grateful for all the blessings you have and to always try your best. When you give your best, happiness will follow.

It is not the absence of chaos that brings joy but being able to live in harmony with it. Remember, as a mother, choosing happiness is one of your most important life lessons. Choose happiness. You can be wise, efficient, and cautious but also be impulsive. Enjoy that ice cream, and don’t forget to splash in the puddles with your children every once in a while. It will be easy to remember how much you had fun as a child.

What is your vision of motherhood? Does it take patience and constant struggle? Is it the inability to clean the house? Or you don’t find the time to spend with your friends though I doubt it. We all dreamed of a happy home filled with laughter, children who obey, a loving husband, and exciting milestones.

However, this vision of motherhood as ideal became unattainable somewhere along the way. Why? We didn’t want to live a perfect mom life.

Motherhood is filled with happy memories, joyous moments, and exciting milestones. It’s also filled with the details that make you a mother. The nights of sleeplessness. The worries. The desire to speak to an adult all day.

These are all part of motherhood. It can be easy to fall into a routine of wearing the same mom-bun + yoga pants day after day. You may only need to make some changes in your habits. What is it that makes happy moms so happy?

Ever-happy mom

Happy mom habits

She fills her cup first
Happy mom knows that she must take care of her own needs before she can serve others. Before she can pour into the cups of others, she needs to refill her own.

She sings in her shower
She doesn’t care if she is out of tune. She can sing in the shower, the car, or anywhere else. Simply singing makes her feel good. An article by Psychology Today suggests that singing promotes happiness.

She dances like nobody is watching.
Dancing brings out her energy, raises her heart rate, and makes her smile. Even if she is just moving to the beat of her favorite song, dancing still counts and makes her feel good.

She laughs
Happy moms are often able to laugh. She loves to laugh with people who make her smile, and she also finds ways to make others laugh.

She enjoys a creative hobby
Before you became a mother, did you have a hobby? It didn’t matter if you were a painter, a knitter, or a scrapbooker, it is likely that you had cherished hobbies because you loved them. It is possible that you put it off when your children arrived, or because there were other things more important.

Bring that hobby back to your life. Making things is a special experience. Happy moms love to see what they create with their own hands. Making is a relaxing process for her. The finished product gives her a sense of accomplishment.

Although you may think you are not creative, you will never be able to know if you haven’t tried. Learn a new skill. Ask a friend to help you learn, ask YouTube or sign up for a class through Skillshare. Click the image to learn more about Skillshare. You can also try it free for two months.

She takes time to spend with her friends
Many moms find this a difficult topic. It’s difficult for them to make new friends and connect with old ones. Even if the get-together is only once a month, a happy mom will be intentional about investing in her friends.

You don’t want to go to a girls’ meal out with your friends. Playdate with your friend and her children. You’ll find encouragement from your mom friends and will keep in touch.

She takes breaks
This momming job is done around the clock. This is the only job that requires you to be available 24/7 (aside from being a caregiver). Sometimes we just need to take a break, no matter how much our children love us and are there for them. Happy moms take regular breaks and get out of the house. She makes it happen, even if it’s just a quick trip to the nail salon or a massage every once in a while.

Are you unsure if your husband will join the team? Talk to your husband. Talk to him about how you feel and what you think he might feel if he took a break. Ask him to agree with you taking breaks.

She reads
She reads whether it is before or after the children go to bed, and she does so in quiet times. She enjoys reading novels, books that will help her improve her learning, and the Bible.

It’s the latter for me. Before I go to sleep, I spend time praying and reading the Bible every night. While I do try to read other books throughout the day, the Bible is my most important reading. It is an incredible feeling to know you have a guide who will help you navigate the most difficult parts of your life. The peace I feel when I have a guide makes my life so much easier.

She will ask for help when she is in need
Happy moms are not afraid to ask for help. When she is offered help, she accepts it. And when she is able to, she gives her help back. Do you feel stuck in the “I must do everything by myself” mentality? Read this article about accepting help when you’re not used to it.

Ever-happy mom

She stops self-criticism
She realizes that she can’t be constructive by criticizing her own behavior. She realized that her inner critic was stealing her happiness. She shuts down the critic as soon as it surfaces.

She learns from her mistakes
She understands that failures can be lessons in disguise. She learns from her mistakes and attempts again. Tomorrow is a new day for her.

She doesn’t compare her to other moms, or her children to other moms.
Happy mom knows that comparisons are a great way to lose joy. She realizes that when she compares her life, choices, abilities, temperament, character, or personality with another mom, she is comparing apples to oranges.

Comparing and comparing is unhealthy, whether we see ourselves as the one lacking in comparison or vice versa. Either we feel superior or inferior to another mom through comparison. None of these feelings can build anyone up, or help anyone to be a happy mother.

She prefers to concentrate on the positive
A happy mom doesn’t dwell on the negatives. Instead, she looks for the positives in every situation and focuses on the positives.

She is in tune to her health
She understands the importance of movement, and whether she does it as a regular exercise program or just a daily stroll outside, it is important for her health. She makes an investment in her health, avoiding unhealthy food and taking her vitamins. She is happy knowing that she is taking care of her body and is thus able to be content.

She puts her money into her marriage
Happy mom puts her husband first. She makes her husband happy. She takes time for her husband and has regular date nights.

You can offer to look after your children for an evening with a friend if you don’t have someone to take care of them. Then ask for the same thing in return. Even if you only have one date per month, it can make a huge difference in your relationship with your husband.

She spends regular time alone with her children
It’s easy for guilt to creep in when life is hectic. A happy mom knows the importance of special time with each of her kids. It is worth spending even 10 minutes with each of her children on the couch. She can talk, cuddle, or just spend time with each child, instead of being glued to one child. She puts her heart and soul into each of her children every day, which makes her happy.

She teaches her children independence
A happy mom knows that teaching responsibility and independence to her kids isn’t selfish. She prepares them by instilling good habits in them and helping them to develop life skills.

She plans family fun regularly
She enjoys surprising her loved ones, and she loves spending time with them. Even if it’s just a picnic in a park, she plans to have fun with the family.

She tries to keep her from screaming at her children
Happy moms know that yelling at her children when they do wrong is not a solution and can make things worse. She feels guilty for her yelling, and she is sad about the situation. When you are a yelling mother, it is difficult to be happy. If you struggle with yelling, read this article about what you can do to stop yelling at your kids.

She says no
Happy moms know when there is too much and don’t feel guilty about saying “no” She knows her boundaries and protects them well.

She pauses before responding
By pausing before speaking, she can get rid of the guilt associated with speaking without thinking.

She picks her battles
Happy mom knows that she can’t win every battle, but she will fight the important ones.

Ever-happy mom

She forgives, even when forgiveness isn’t asked for
A happy mom will forgive her offender and realize that it is for her own happiness. She will suffer more from the pain that someone else has inflicted on her than she will feel if she holds onto it. Forgiveness brings her peace and leads to happiness.

She is grateful for what she has
She is grateful for all she has in her life, including her family, friends, family income, and her car. While it’s fine to want to get a better vehicle or improve your home, a happy mother knows how important it is to enjoy what you already have.

She has deep internal values
A happy mom believes there is a reason for her existence. She believes in a Creator who created everything, believes everyone has a purpose and believes that everything happens for reasons. She prays, reads her Bible every day, and gives all her worries over to God, who knows what her plans are for her life.

She knows she’s never lost even though she may feel like she doesn’t know how to get out of an awkward situation. She is aware that the Almighty sees all and knows best for her.

She has routines
Routines bring her peace. Routines give mom peace. When everyone knows what’s next, it makes it easier for mom to be a good mother.

She gets her sleep
Happy moms know the importance of getting good sleep. She is aware of how much sleep she requires and plans her day so she gets it. She knows that if her sleep isn’t getting, it will make her grumpy, which can lead to her feeling unhappy.

She plans ahead
She enjoys spontaneity with her family but she also knows that too much spontaneity can cause chaos and overwhelm. She plans her family’s activities, meals, and time.
She manages her time well

She manages her time well
Happy moms know that they have a limited amount of time and are careful to spend it where it is most important. While she enjoys social media, she limits how much time she spends scrolling through her feeds and looking at stories. She puts her time into the areas that are most important to her. To learn more about time management, read Time Blocking for Busy Moms.

She finds ways to serve those around her
Happy moms understand the importance of helping others. It doesn’t take much to serve others. She can volunteer at the local food pantry if she’s able, but she can also serve others in other ways. A simple act of kindness, such as bringing dinner to someone who has a newborn child, can make a big difference. Even if it is in small ways, she will be happy to serve others.

She talks about her feelings and frustrations
She is able to share her troubles with a group of trusted friends. Instead of shutting down, she tells her husband what is going on. She speaks to her sister, mom, or friend about the things that frustrate her but doesn’t dwell on them. She lets the frustration go and focuses instead on the positive.

She doesn’t gossip
She knows that gossiping is not good for her soul and does no good for anyone else. A happy mother is careful about avoiding gossip.

She is nice to strangers
Happy mom is kind to all her children, even those who are not so nice to her. She recognizes the need for kindness in the world and she spreads it freely.

She loves the small things
She is grateful for all the gifts she receives, whether it be the field flowers, drawings, or rocks that were picked just for her. She tells her children how special she feels about them. Because she is a part her family’s story, she enjoys the little things in life.

She doesn’t expect perfection
Happy mom doesn’t place pressure on herself to be perfect. She understands that perfection is not the only way to joy. She doesn’t expect her children or husband to be perfect either. She is constantly striving to improve an area in her world, but she prefers progress over perfection.

Happy moms know the importance of creating real and raw memories. Even if her hair is messy and she doesn’t have makeup on, she won’t be afraid to take photos. She enjoys taking photos with her family for years to come. To get inspired to take photos even when you don’t feel put together.

She slows down and intentionally enjoys motherhood
She knows that her children are only with her for a short time and so she deliberately enjoys the time with them. She recognizes that motherhood can be a wonderful journey.

It is impossible to be happy all the time. Be realistic. You will feel even worse if you are unrealistic.

Habits Reality Check
I understand what you are thinking. These are a lot of habits. How can you implement them all? To be happy, you don’t have to include them all in your life. You can start with the most important. It is true that while new habits can take some time to establish, they are easy to keep up with once you have them.

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